Public space

Parallel study mandate for the redevelopment of the central square of Val-d’Illiez

The new village square becomes a public place. Its edges are redefined and the whole project gives it the value of a public space.

The project’s interventions can be summarized by rebuilding the west wall, reinterpreting the east parapet, planting a tree, integrating thresholds and standardizing the surface coating. The thresholds of the buildings extend towards the central void, allowing the prioritisation of the square’s activities. The new threshold as paved surfaces offer a public appropriation. Restaurants and shops benefit from this. The thresholds define the area of the square, which, through a uniform surface, allows events to be hosted. Motorized accesses remain functional at all times.

The chosen coating, standard, but with a different grain size than the treadmills, clearly marks the central square.